Automatic and smart purging of Cloudflare cache

Servebolt Optimizer can be connected to Cloudflare to allow automatic purging of posts, pages and other post types automatically on updates. This way of purging only the updated posts is more efficient and does not impact performance across your whole site.

When you update a post we also purge its archive, and the front page. Purging of the archive is best-effort, as an archive can be paginated and contain a large amount of pages.

Enhanced Access Control for Cache Purging:

Using more fine-grained capability checks – administrators and editors can now purge the cache (Added feature for Servebolt Optimizer 3.2+), while authors can purge the cache for their own posts. Contributors and subscribers cannot purge the cache. This feature is available for sites running Servebolt Optimizer 3.2+ with Accelerated Domains or Cloudflare.


User roles with capability the edit_others_posts can now purge all cache (super administrators, administrators, editors). This means that they can purge any post, any term or all cache. User roles with capability the edit_published_posts and edit_post can now purge the post cache (given that the current user is the author of the post).

As well as being able to purge term cache (categories and other taxonomies) through the capability manage_{taxonomy-slug}. Other user roles (contributors and subscribers) cannot purge the cache unless they have the capabilities mentioned above.