Green hosting

Your website deserves a hosting platform that is built for performance and security while being environmentally friendly. Servebolt’s Green Hosting offers the fastest, most scalable hosting using the most sustainable energy in the most energy-optimized fashion. Super green hosting.

We care for and ♥ our planet

We believe in a greener future. Using green hosting to power your website is the most environmentally friendly way of hosting your website. The greener your energy source, the better. Combined with the fastest website hosting means, your site is always performing as green as possible. Helping save the planet and enjoying your site in its fastest version possible.

  • Green Energy Cloud Hosting

    At Servebolt, we only use green, renewable energy for our data centers. Where we don’t meet that requirement, we compensate our remaining carbon footprint via our partner, Trefadder.

  • Sustainable Hosting Infrastructure

    The hardware we use, our Servebolt Cloud, and our entire hosting infrastructure are built with sustainability and performance in mind. We select hardware with a solid performance/power balance.

    Servebolt’s green hosting means your site will be green and enjoy the fastest hosting platform.

  • Energy Efficient Data Centers

    We are working with our upstream providers to ensure that the data centers we use use green energy. We’ve partnered with Blix Solutions, a high-performance and availability network and data center provider, to host our cloud infrastructure in the most sustainable fashion. Since we only use renewable energy to power our data centers, your website will always be powered by an environmentally friendly energy source.

  • Planting Trees

    We are compensating for our residual carbon footprint by letting our partner, Trefadder, plant trees for us. They have a rock solid concept, with built-in guarantees that the money invested in compensation ends up as trees planted as sustainable climate forests. They are planting a diversity of trees on previously unplanted grounds that are guaranteed for the whole lifetime of the trees.

  • Sensible Green Policies

    Our focus on sustainability is anchored in the management of our organization, and we are systematically striving to improve the inner workings of Servebolt in that regard. As a company, we are iterating and incrementally improving on the foundation we have established so that we will be doing increasingly more important work.

Blazing fast, eco-friendly hosting plans

Every single Servebolt plan is a Green Hosting plan. Servebolt believes in and wants to contribute to a greener future, so we don’t charge anything extra for you to enjoy green hosting. Pick your plan and start enjoying the greenest hosting today!

Grow online effortlessly

From €99/mo

  • ✓ 10 GB Storage
  • ✓ 500 000 Dynamic Requests
  • ✓ 256 MB PHP memory limit
  • ✓ 5 Production Environments
  • ✓ ∞ PHP workers
  • ✓ ∞ RAM
  • ✓ Unmetered Data transfer
Power your business growth

From €349/mo

  • ✓ 40 GB Storage
  • ✓ 1 000 000 Dynamic Requests
  • ✓ 512 MB PHP memory limit
  • ✓ 25 Production Environments
  • ✓ ∞ PHP workers
  • ✓ ∞ RAM
  • ✓ Unmetered Data transfer
Fuel your success

From €699/mo

  • ✓ 100 GB Storage
  • ✓ 3 000 000 Dynamic Requests
  • ✓ 768 MB PHP memory limit
  • ✓ 50 Production Environments
  • ✓ ∞ PHP workers
  • ✓ ∞ RAM
  • ✓ Unmetered Data transfer

Green hosting from a green company

Green hosting can mean a lot, and for most hosting companies, it just means running the data center, servers, and services within it on green, renewable energy. For Servebolt, however, it means a lot more!

Servebolt, like any other company, has energy consumption and a carbon footprint outside the data centers that host our technical infrastructure. In our view, we cannot label our product as green hosting just because we run our data centers on green and renewable energy. We consume energy and produce carbon emissions indirectly in our offices and when we need to travel, for instance. We want to do more, be a climate-positive company as a whole, and raise the threshold for those who want to put the “green hosting” label on their product.

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Choose a sustainable hosting partner

Improved Performance

Servebolt’s hosting has a strong focus on performance, resulting in shorter execution times, and combined with Accelerated Domains, you’ll be receiving the fastest hosting in the world. As well as being the greenest hosting.

WordPress & Sustainability

A WordPress site, just like any other site, can be built as a sustainable site. By hosting with us, you’re already benefitting from using renewable energy, but it’s the fast processing times that really make your site as green as it can be.
Our smart Caching Engine further helps reduce energy expenditure by caching as much as possible. This results in the most efficient way to serve your WordPress site on the internet.

Sustainable Web Dev

The craft of developing fast and performant websites is very similar to creating green and sustainable websites. Sustainable web development is concerned with every single aspect of what your site does. What it loads, when it has to load, and how optimized what needs to be loaded is. The performance-first workflow is a very good starting point for making your website greener.
Combine this with building efficient database usage on top of Servebolt’s green hosting, and you’re off to a great start creating the greenest, most sustainable version of your website.

Offsetting carbon footprint

Hosting companies that power their infrastructure with polluting, non-green power is at the maximum emitting CO2, equivalent to the power consumption of their infrastructure.

In addition, non-green operations will often keep outdated and inefficient hardware and software running for too long without renewing and optimizing their infrastructure. Servebolt is walking a different path. Servebolt is going the extra mile to make sure we offset our CO2 impact where we can.

Your Site’s CO2 Impact

Any website you put online will have a CO2 impact. The website will be visited by people, indexing robots, it has to reside on servers, and be transported over the network to its visitor.

Although the impact of a tiny website may seem small, the aggregates are massive numbers. The impact also stretches to all the devices that visitors connect with and their production process and energy consumption.

Your Site’s Carbon Emissions

There is a large variety of tools available online to help you calculate your carbon emissions.

We are using calculation models developed and validated by DNV (DNV is an internationally accredited registrar and classification society) in cooperation with our carbon offsetting partner, Trefadder.

Offset Your Site’s Carbon Footprint

Many industry organizations have started work to help you find a way to make carbon accounts correctly for your company. If your industry organization does not do this yet, you should ask them.

Your personal engagement is what will make us reach the common goal of a carbon-neutral society.

Add tools

Need even more performance? We got more. Supercharge your site with add-ons that will take your business to the next level.

Accelerated Domains

From €249/mo

Learn more

Accomplish extraordinary performance, security, and scalability milestones. Accelerated Domains is an easy set-and-forget fully managed service that will allow your sites to unlock their performance potential fully in the most sustainable way.


See more in our Help Center

Learn more
  • What is Green Hosting?

    Green hosting consists of three parts. It starts with using only green, renewable energy. The next step is to use as little energy as possible. Lastly, it is to offset that which cannot be made green. Servebolt’s version of green hosting means that all three elements are maximized to the best of our ability.

    Super green hosting.

  • What type of Green Hosting does Servebolt offer?

    1. All Servebolt plans are part of our green hosting offering. It’s as simple as creating a Servebolt account, adding a Bolt, migrating your site, and start enjoying the greenest hosting out there.
    2. You want more? We got more. Our Accelerated Domains add-on service will make your site faster, use less energy and stop malicious resources hogging unwanted traffic such as bad bots and spam bots.
  • What is energy-efficient hardware?

    As a general rule of thumb, new hardware is more energy efficient. CPU core density, speed, and cache sizes are increasing for every generation, while the power consumption is mostly kept in check at the same levels.

    That said, the highest-performing hardware has a performance/power ratio that is very poor. You can typically use 50% more power while gaining less than 10% more performance.

    That’s why we at Servebolt select hardware that has a solid performance/power balance, and then our software stack delivers 50-100% more speed and efficiency than others achieve on equivalent hardware.

  • What does a Green Hosting Stack look like?

    A Green Hosting stack has to be powered by green energy, use modern resource-efficient hardware, and run a software stack that minimizes the resource consumption per web request.

    The stack has to deliver exceptional uncached performance in addition to leveraging caching efficiently in order to minimize resource consumption.

  • How is Servebolt Cloud different from AWS or Google Cloud?

    Resource utilization and customer density on Servebolt are much higher than what you can achieve by hosting in Google Cloud or Amazon AWS.

    The generic public clouds have large amounts of idle resources powered on servers that are not in use. In the Servebolt Cloud, we constantly keep on minimizing our use of computing resources.

    By avoiding containerization, virtualization, and fixed partitioning and sales of server resources, we bring resource efficiency to new levels and minimize resource waste.

  • How does green hosting compare to other hosting?

    Green hosting consists of two components: the energy it consumes and where that energy is coming from. Servebolt doesn’t distinguish between Green hosting and regular hosting with regard to origin hosting. Green hosting will always produce a faster, more scalable, and more sustainable site.

  • Does Green hosting affect web performance?

    Your site will consume energy on both the server it is hosted on, on the switches on the network path it travels over the internet, and on the device being used to visit your site. Minimizing the size of data, storing fewer bits and bytes, and having more efficient scripts, CSS, and PHP code all have an impact. The better your site is optimized for performance, the greener your site is.  We’re taking care of optimizing your site for speedy processing times on the server, but what happens in the browser affects web performance and sustainability as well.

    Core Web Vitals are a great indication of how optimized your site is. It will tell you if you’re loading too much and if what you’re loading is too large or larger than it has to be. It’s one of the tools you need to keep an eye on to ensure you’re not wasting valuable resources. The greener your site is, the greener your web hosting is, the faster your site will be. Switching to Servebolt’s green hosting enables you to achieve the greenest and fastest version of your website.