Servebolt Admin Panel

All of Servebolts clients have access to our powerful web-based Admin Panel. In the Admin Panel, it’s possible to manage all services, access and user roles, SSL-certificates and many website settings.

Immediate access to all services

Bolts and websites created in our Admin Panel are setup and accessible immediately. SSL-certificates can be created and ordered immediately. A new website can be launched in just minutes within our Admin Panel.

Powerful database management

Our Admin Panel has a database management section, where one can create and setup MariaDB databases. It’s also possible to manage database tables and content with phpMyAdmin.

Loads of website features

The Admin Panel also have advanced website features, such as activating development mode, managing cache (no cache, static cache, HTML full page cache), managing domain names and subdomains, setting cron jobs (for scheduled tasks) and much more.

Do it yourself – but we’re here for you!

We believe in self-service with our Admin Panel. We have many guides for common tasks in the Admin Panel and our customer service is always available with our chat support in the Admin Panel.