How to Setup of Laravel on Servebolt

Laravel is a modern PHP framework. SSH is available on all Bolts, and composer is part of our standard stack.

Time needed: 5 minutes

Installation of an existing project from Git repo. Navigate to the command of your bolt and follow the following steps:

  1. Clone your repo

    Clone your repo onto the server with the following command:
    git clone [email protected]:myname/myproject.git where the git@bitbucket part needs to be replaced if you’re cloning from Github or GitLab with the relevant clone URL.

  2. Navigate to the project folder

    With the following commands, you can navigate to the project folder:
    cd myproject
    and then:
    composer install

  3. Configure your project

    The next step involves setting up .env, migrate and so on.

  4. Symlink the public folder

    The last step is to symlink the public folder to the project’s public folder. You can do so with the following commands:
    cd ~ 
    rmdir public 
    ln -s myproject/public public 

Webroot is now configured to use ~/myproject/public as the standard folder, and your Laravel project should be available on the web.