Accelerated Domains Cache Policies

Accelerated Domains implements cache policies in a smart way depending on the type of asset, and the cache TTL (time-to-live) is determined by the Cache Engine itself to enhance performance. The Cache Engine implements efficient caching headers used both by the Accelerated Domains Cache Engine itself, and browsers.

Like with all correctly configured cache the Accelerated Domains Cache Engine only caches GET requests.

Asset typeBrowser cacheEdge cache
CSSUp to a yearUp to a year
JavaScriptUp to a yearUp to a year
ImagesUp to a yearUp to a year
HTML10 minutesUp to 24 hours
Other assetsUp to a yearUp to a year

What do to when you change an asset?

To make sure an asset it updated across all caches, both on the visitors device and Accelerated Domains, we recommend using version strings in the URL.