Sitecopy for Internal Site Migrations

One of the tools we have available for you here at Servebolt is a command line tool called sitecopy. It’s available on all Bolts and it allows you to copy a site from one site to another, or even a different Bolt. We use this script ourselves when we’re migrating your site to a Bolt with a different PHP version, for instance.

We already have a tutorial that explains how to duplicate a WordPress site, but you can use the script for non-WordPress sites as well.

Sitecopy options

Using sitecopy is easy from the command line, but using the command line (via SSH) may require a little getting used to if you’ve never done this. You can learn more about how to log into your site with SSH here.

Once you find yourself on the command line and inside the /public folder, just type in the following command, which is the same as the name of the script: sitecopy.

After which, you’ll be greeted with all the information needed and it should look like this:

Sitecopy help information

One of the options you have here is choosing which CMS you’d like to copy, for instance. We currently have the option between wp for WordPress, mg for Magento, and m2 for Magento 2.

Other options

If you’re looking to make a copy of an existing WordPress site for staging purposes, we also have the option of using the Duplicator plugin for WordPress.