The following are questions related to Servebolt’s Backup service we see frequently. Read also how we do backups:
Servebolt runs daily and nightly disaster recovery backups of all files and databases. But we recommend always making your own backups of your database prior to updates or installation of new plugins and similar. It will save you a lot of time. Reach out to Support if you need any help regarding backing up your site, or read about how you can backup your WordPress site.
No, the disaster recovery backups are kept in separate storage space provided free of charge by Servebolt.
Our plans includes at minimum 5 production environments, and an unlimited amount of development, testing and staging environments. The only physical limit is the disk space on your plan. Every dev/test/stage environment will be provided with a custom URL with SSL.
We backup each site on our servers every day and every four hours.
We keep backups for as long as 30 days. This is to help us and our customers to be GDPR compliant.
You can request a backup or a restore of your site in our Support chat at Please state which site it regards, if you want it restored or just a compressed backup file and which date and time that backup should be from.