Understanding and Using the Servebolt Development Mode

The Development Mode feature is designed to help developers by allowing instant updates whenever files are modified or replaced. You can find the feature within your environment settings in the Servebolt Admin Panel.

What Development Mode Does

Development Mode disables Servebolt’s server-side caching, aiding developers in seeing real-time changes. This is particularly useful during a website’s development phase when frequent updates and modifications are made. For instance, when implementing a new feature, Development Mode allows you to test it safely before deploying.

It’s important to note that even though Development Mode is enabled, other caching solutions such as Cloudflare, Servebolt CDN, or Accelerated Domains will continue to function normally.

How to Enable Development Mode

  1. Log into the Servebolt Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to the environment’s settings tab
  3. Click “Turn on development mode”. You’ll see a message saying: “Development mode enabled” on the top of the page

The feature can easily be disabled by repeating the same steps.

Image from the Servebolt Admin Panel. Showing off the development mode feature

Automatic Deactivation

Development Mode is designed to automatically deactivate after 3 hours in production environments (environments with domains added) to ensure optimal performance and caching once your website goes live. When Development Mode is turned off, your previous cache settings are restored, ensuring your website benefits from Servebolt’s server-side caching once again.

If you’d like to learn more about Servebolt’s caching, check out our guide on Servebolt Caching and Cache Policies Options.

And as always, should you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support chat at servebolt.com!