
Release 3.5.33 is a small release with great benefits.

  • Support for WordPress 6.5.2 confirmed.
  • Added auto healing for environment files where if the cached filepath is incorrect, it is automatically replaced.
  • Bugfix – On some cron based jobs that do not have HTTP_USER_AGENT set, were failing on newer versions of PHP. Added check for ‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’ before trying to use it in part of the prefetching checks.
  • Bugfix – Added additional checks on the strContains() helper function to deal with PHP8 requirements on null values.

In this release of the Servebolt Optimizer to give two possible error messages that can be tracked in the PHP error log.

  1. Auto healing message
    [Servebolt Optimizer] Is automatically clearing the environment filepath to force an update.

    This happens when the currently known environment file path in the db does not exist within the document root. So when moving from one Bolt to another this will automatically happen as the filepath will be different on each bolt.

  2. 2. Path is correct, file not found message.
    [Servebolt Optimizer] Could not find the environment.[ini,json] file on the path: /path/to/file/environment.json

    Only happens when the file has been deleted.