How to Login with SFTP Correctly

Server login information

SSH/SFTP login information can be found on your site in your Bolt. This information is also provided on mail when creating a new Bolt/site. An example of logging in with SFTP would be this:

Hostname/host IP: sftp://
Username: wordpr_14044
Password: Your password, but if you have forgotten it we have made an article on how you can reset
Port: 1022

Logging into your site’s server via SFTP should be straight forward, but there are some configurations that require a little extra attention when connecting your FTP client to your site. If you’re experiencing issues, the most likely causes for having trouble to logging in are these:

  1. You are using the incorrect protocol
  2. You are using the incorrect port
  3. You are using the incorrect username or password
  4. You have used the incorrect username and password too many times

You are using the incorrect protocol

There are basically three protocols when connecting to a server. FTP, FTPS, and the most secure one: SFTP. 

At Servebolt, we’ve implemented the safest way to connect with your Bolt and that means we’ve allowed for only SFTP connections to be made. For most FTP client, you’ll have to select which protocol you want to use for every server connection you configure. In our case, this should always be the SFTP protocol.

You are using the incorrect port

All of our SFTP connections are using a dedicated Servebolt port when you want to connect yourself to your site with your SFTP credentials. As can be seen in the above screenshot, you’ll have to manually enter port 1022 as your FTP app will most likely have this set to the default port 22 .

You are using the incorrect username or password

Whenever you’re creating a new sit in your Bolt, you’ll receive an email with the login credentials for that site on your Bolt. Make sure you copy and paste that information in the appropriate fields in your FTP client carefully. Even an extra empty space added here or there will make your login credentials invalid.

You have used the incorrect username and password too many times

After 10 failed login attempts, you will be blocked for 10 minutes. If you fail 30 times during 1 hour, you will be blocked for an hour. Keep in mind that many FTP clients can try to sign in multiple times using different settings on it’s own, so 3-4 wrong connection attempts can in some cases be enough to get blocked.

To overcome this problem, you can set a new SFTP password in the Servebolt Control Panel and make sure all your settings are set correctly – SFTP, port 1022 and the correct hostname, username and password.

For a more detailed how-to guide on logging in with SFTP and FileZilla, check out this article.