Accelerated Domains Reseller Program for Agencies Focusing on Profit

Maximize your recurring revenue and profit by reselling Accelerated Domains with Servebolt. Accelerated Domains™ is a fully managed service that accelerates your site’s performance, scalability, and security, unlocking your sites’ full potential without requiring any coding!

Why choose Accelerated Domains?

Accelerated Domains solves critical performance, security, and scalability issues without requiring any action from you. Built on top of the Cloudflare Enterprise, it performs its magic on the network between the user and the Servebolt Cloud. But why does this matter?

Because it offers more than just a set of features, Accelerated Domains eliminates the hassle of performance optimization, security, and scalability. With Accelerated Domains, you can set it and forget it, freeing you to focus on what truly matters.

Extreme global & local performance

A website’s performance oftentimes is the bottleneck in true scalability and growth. Accelerated Domains solves this problem. Speed up all of your client sites with a single service. Accelerated Domains allows sites to perform extremely well in all the relevant performance metrics, resulting in higher-ranking content, lower bounce rates, more user engagement, and higher conversions. It also brings significant improvements in essential metrics.

High scalability

Accelerated Domains utilizes a smart and location-aware cache, which is distributed across the globe in more than 300+ data centers worldwide. With just a few simple steps, sites will scale instantly without heavy investments by adding more servers, more server resources like CPU or RAM, load balancing, or developer time. Accelerated Domains help you prevent your sites from crashing when the traffic to your site spikes, whether that’s sudden, viral, or planned.

Ironclad security

Accelerated Domains protects sites with an intelligent security mechanism, allowing you to mitigate even the most sophisticated cyber threats before they have a real impact. Websites running on Accelerated Domains directly benefit from the analysis of close to 40% of all HTTP traffic on the Internet and Servebolt’s hands-on experience with our customers’ traffic patterns.

Accelerated Domains come with the Servebolt Managed Web Application Firewall. That means you don’t have to worry about managing your WAF, and it includes firewall rules from both the Servebolt and Cloudflare Teams, including rules to mitigate OWASP Top 10 and platform-specific known vulnerabilities.

Accelerated Domains will mitigate security threats you didn’t know of before the threat has real impact without you having to do anything. Solving WordPress core, plugins, and theme vulnerabilities before they become a problem.

Setup-and-forget service for you and your customers

Accelerated Domains is a set & forget service that will continue to add the latest and greatest features without you taking any actions on your end. It is tightly integrated with all other Servebolt services including our Servebolt Optimizer for WordPress plugin that now supports auto Accelerated Domains cache purge.

We constantly monitor and improve the service it provides. Today’s version is already a better version than yesterday’s. All effortless for you and your clients.

Sustainability approach

Sustainability matters. Accelerated Domains optimizes energy usage through efficient servers, smart caching mechanisms, accelerated networks, and browser resource utilization. By adding Accelerated Domains to your website, you’re not just improving performance; you’re making it more environmentally friendly.

Enterprise-grade features

Accelerated Domains is built on top of the Cloudflare Anycast network, including all 300+ nodes at the Cloudflare edge. In addition to the Servebolt features and services included in Accelerated Domains, it also includes Cloudflare Enterprise features (which normally has an entry price of $5000 per month).

Which clients should run Accelerated Domains?

Accelerated Domains is the ultimate solution your clients need! Say goodbye to performance and security-related issues, and welcome the benefits of this unique product.

With heavy traffic from social media, newsletters, and advertising campaigns, your clients need a dependable and reliable solution. Accelerated Domains provides the perfect solution for clients who:

  • want or need better performance
  • want or need better security
  • want to reduce their carbon footprint
  • Protecting Sensitive data

    Websites that store sensitive information require enterprise-grade protection. Accelerated Domains offers ironclad security with features including a Web Application Firewall, rate limiting, brute-force, and DDoS protection.

  • Ensuring Global Presence

    Accelerated Domains is a boon for global online businesses. With 300+ nodes globally at its disposal, Accelerated Domains opens up the entire world for your business.

  • Mastering High Peaks of Traffic

    Clients going viral all of the sudden, or sending out newsletters to thousands of subscribers can cause performance and scalability problems. Accelerated Domains solves this with its global, and low-latency caching.

  • Expanding Revenue Streams

    Accelerated Domains can boost your clients’ revenue growth by improving page loading times, increasing conversions, and driving profits.

Helping agencies get to their next level of growth

Higher Ad Spend ROI

Page load time for visits through ads, newsletters, and similar are usually much slower compared to accessing a website directly. This is due to the mechanisms that are used to track the performance of the ad. Slow load time increases the bounce rate, customer satisfaction, and ROI. Accelerated Domains speeds up every page load, as well as when traffic comes from ads. With Accelerated Domains, you won’t see the same slowdown; therefore, your advertising budget’s return on investment (ROI) will be maximized.

Generate More Revenue

As an agency partner, you can enjoy handsome profits by re-selling Accelerated Domains to your clients. 

We build it, you sell it. Join our agency partner program and re-sell what you already love using. Accelerated Domains is a plug-and-play add-on that is fully compatible with all Servebolt products and services.

Cloudflare Enterprise Benefits

Cloudflare Enterprise is known to demand a hefty monthly fee of $5000, but why pay that when you can opt for Accelerated Domains at a mere fraction of the cost? It distinctly provides exceptional value for money while catering to all your website optimization needs with a full suite of features.

Accelerated domains plans

Ready to order Accelerated Domains? Accelerated Domains is an account-based addon service.

Accelerated Domains

From € 249/mo

Extra domains: € 39 per domain name
Extra bandwidth: € 79 per month per TB

Adding Accelerated Domains to your domain will make your entire site perform a lot better across four distinct domains: raw performance and speed, extreme scalability, enterprise-grade security, and truly sustainable hosting. In one simple step, you’ve accelerated your site to the next level.

How to resell Acceleared Domains?

Accelerated Domains is your next high-profit, high-value, and low-effort offering available to you as an Agency Partner. It includes features that normally sell for $5000/month. We have made it vastly more affordable for anyone without compromising the true value.

It allows you to accelerate your clients’ sites to the next level with minimal effort from you as the agency.

  • Customizable Pricing

    As an agency partner, you’re free to resell it any way you like, generating a nice recurring revenue stream. Accelerated Domains is an account-based addon service. You can have a pricing plan that’s tailored to your needs:

    • Bulk price – Depending on the number of websites you want to use Accelerated Domains on;
    • Separate purchases.
  • Simple Account Management

    Speed up all of your client sites with a single service directly via your Admin Panel.

  • Quick and Easy Onboarding

    Use our resources to onboard and manage client websites easily. White glove onboarding, dedicated Solutions Engineer, launch readiness assessment, and post-go-live performance diagnostics to ensure your smooth onboarding experience.

  • Special Agency Plans

    We offer custom pricing packages with a built-in discount for agency partners. Accelerated Domains is an account-based add-on service, and extra packages come for € 39 per domain name.

Generate more revenue with Accelerated Domains. Join our agency partner program and re-sell what you already love using to your clients. We build it, you sell it! Accelerated Domains is a plug-and-play add-on that is fully compatible with all Servebolt products and services. Become a Servebolt agency partner today!

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See how Servebolt can help you scale your business with ease

Servebolt’s out-of-the-box performance is very noticeable and impactful. We can feel the difference for the sites we host without running technical tests. We also appreciate the expertise and willingness of their support team whenever we need something.

Ruben Ellefsen
CEO of – Servebolt Partner Agency

The level of service and the understanding, from both a Partner’s point of view and a Client’s point of view, is outstanding. During our 25+ years in this business we’ve come across almost every hosting company in the Nordics and to be fair, Servebolt is something else. Just perfection all the way!

Alex Kappel
COO of Tankbar Digital Agency

Servebolt is our preferred partner for all things WordPress and WooCommerce. Blazing fast servers, stellar support, and a breeze to connect to git for versioned development and deployment. I couldn’t recommend them more

Thord D. Hedengren
Co-founder of Hedengren Agency

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