Introducing Servebolt’s New Scalable Plans and Tiered Pricing

We feel the value of our service is in our ability to help you and your customers have a more performant site, a secure and reliable environment, tools that make it faster to create rich experiences, insights into how to improve your site, integrations that make it easier to extend your site, and all backed by the independently acknowledged leading support organization.

Servebolt’s new plans and pricing model put a greater focus on customization and flexibility while taking advantage of our amazing performance and scalability. The new plans are meant to accelerate our ambitions to move beyond just managed hosting. They offer the flexibility for customers to grow on our platform at their own pace, allowing for a more agile development experience and making powerful features.

Whether you need a customized enterprise solution or you just need managed hosting to get started, we have a plan that’s right for you.

Why the New Pricing and Plans Change

This year, Servebolt turned 8! This is an important milestone for our company, which has evolved so much through these years. Thus, introducing the new Servebolt Pricing structure is yet another step that reflects the increased value of the products offered. Through the years, we have improved and changed almost every aspect of our product for good.

The one thing that hasn’t changed over this time is how our plans work and the plan structure. This has resulted in an increasing amount of plans to tailor to various customer needs. It was obvious that this increased amount of plans does, however, create a growing complexity for the customers.

In addition, we want to align better with the market and lower our pricing on storage especially. We had our pricing mostly connected to the amount of storage needed, and our pricing did not allow for balanced pricing in scenarios where clients have high storage needs but a low need for dynamic requests and the other way around.

To achieve this, a simplified plan structure with fewer plans was needed.

Fewer plans, on the other hand, create fewer options and less flexibility, thus a need to keep the option to buy add-ons on top of any plan.

The combination of fewer plans with the option to add storage and dynamic requests, as well as increasing the PHP memory limit, results in a highly flexible yet still simple and easy-to-understand pricing structure.

Our new pricing model will benefit our customers with lower prices and greater flexibility, while our tiered pricing system will allow for scalability as customers’ needs grow.

More Storage on All Plans

While many customers were happy about the storage capabilities we offered, some still weren’t satisfied with the disk space amounts across the board. And while we have found that many users severely overestimate the disk space they actually need, we still agree.

Some websites, by necessity, are a bit “heavy,” meaning they contain a lot of large files. We want you to have as much flexibility and scalability as possible at Servebolt. All plans now have more storage included per dollar spent. In fact, we’ve doubled the amount on some of the plans! By following this, you can guarantee peace of mind and ample space for growth. While competitors raise prices, we’re adding more value.

Servebolt’s New Simplified Pricing Model

As you can see from the new pricing structure, we have simplified the number of plans of our product offering and reduced the amount of “base plans” from 6 to 3. Additionally, we want to lower the barrier to entry to our service.

To make the billing more convenient for our clients, we’re reducing this down to two on our new pricing structure: customers can be billed monthly or annually. On top of that, we are offering one month free on all annual subscriptions.

The flexibility we provide in this new pricing model is rare in the hosting market, as most other hosting companies have set plans with set contents.

Servebolt CDN hostnames also increase across all plans.

Scalability is an important part of our product, yet it was not part of our former pricing. We now include a “guaranteed scalability” in the new pricing by adding the “Dynamic Requests Per Second” component. This guarantees to our clients that we can, at minimum, scale to a set number of dynamic requests per second accumulated on that Bolt. As long as your time-to-first-byte of 400ms or below, you can take advantage of the Dynamic Requests per second guarantee.

The new Scale plan has been made to tailor to the former Enterprise Starter and Small Enterprise-level customer’s needs as well as the ones just below those to plans in need and requirements. Interested in our custom Enterprise plan quotes? Contact us and let our team create a custom solution for you based on your needs.

The New Flexible Addon Pricing

The new addon structure lets you easily purchase the cost-effective disk space add-on and keep using your current plan.

Our new tiered pricing as an add-on concept puts a greater focus on customization and flexibility. Tiered pricing can be hard to understand fully and especially to calculate without a calculator. To ease that process for you, you may play around with the pricing calculator we have created for you. It lets you calculate in advance what is the most convenient plan for your needs.

We want you to have as much flexibility as possible at Servebolt. For large sites with a lot of files or images, increasing your plan’s disk space will be way more affordable and easy. Storage pricing follows the tiered pricing model and is billed monthly or annually according to the plan the addon is added to. The more storage you buy on any plan, the lower the price per GB it goes. For additional flexibility, you can increase the storage space of your hosting plan directly from the new Upgrade page in your Admin Panel. The storage addon is sold in units of 1 GB.

Adding just a few million extra Dynamic Requests is more affordable compared to the former pricing.

The PHP memory limit is an important indicator of how complex a site is, and memory is generally an expensive resource. We are keeping our Unlimited RAM policy but limiting the amount of extra memory you can add to new plans to 1 unit of 256 MB.

Addons on top of any plan can be added and removed at any time and are billed monthly or annually according to the plan the addon is added to. Addons for annual plans will be charged for the remaining billing term at the time of addition.

Free Test Accounts Also Got Upgraded

Already convinced to give Servebolt’s new attractive plans a go? Test running your site on a Bolt. Sign up for a free test and a free test migration.

Signing up for a Servebolt account is free for everyone. With a Servebolt account, you will be able to:

  • Create free test Bolts
  • Receive invites to collaborate with others Bolt

Free test plans now provide you with 10 GB of storage, similar to the Pro plan. See for yourself how fast your website could be when hosted with Servebolt.

What Does the New Pricing Mean for Existing Clients

As per the announcement of our new hosting plan structure, all Pro Plan, Pro Plus Plan, Business Plan, Business Plus Plan, Business Extra Plan, Business Pro Plan, Enterprise Starter, and Small Enterprise hosting have been moved to a legacy status. All existing plans are now grandfathered, and no subscriptions will be forced to transition to the new pricing.

All subscriptions will remain the same until the customer wants or needs to make any plan adjustment. The subscription requires an update and transition to new pricing and plans at that time. This process does not involve any downtime or data migration and does not require any reconfiguration from our clients.

Our existing clients can take advantage of the new plans and pricing immediately. This option is available via the new Upgrade page in the Servebolt Control panel. By upgrading your Bolt plan to the new plans and pricing, you can take advantage of all new upcoming features the moment they are publicly available.

Upgrading your plan to the new plans and pricing will enable you to leverage more attractive pricing for increased usage limits. So why wait? Contact our Account Management team for a quote today!


When we look back after a decade in the industry, we are proud to say that not only a significant number of our team members but also many of our customers and partners have been with us on this ride since the beginning. We are grateful for the many clients and partners that use our services to empower their websites. We remain committed to expanding our hosting portfolio to help our customers thrive and succeed.

Keep an eye out for lots more updates coming this summer season!